
The EVOLUTION of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) with Robert Clark

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Dr. Robert Clark is an author on several books for intelligence analysis, collection, and distribution. His most recent book is “Geospatial Intelligence: Origins and Evolution.” In this episode Nick and Robert discuss the evolution of geospatial intelligence from the early days of remote sensing for surveillance on Russian Military equipment, all the way to the current war in Ukraine, the rise of Open Source Intelligence, and the future of Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community. Robert provides knowledge and vast insights into the Intelligence Community working at CIA, DNI and Military Locations throughout his career. The two intelligence professionals discuss intelligence production, working in the intelligence community, and provide tips for advancing in intelligence careers. Robert M. Clark previously was a faculty member of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Intelligence Community Officers’ Course and course director of the DNI’s Introduction to the Intelligence Community course. Clark served as a USAF electronics warfare officer and intelligence officer, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. At CIA, he was a senior analyst and group chief. He subsequently was the founder, President and CEO of the Scientific and Technical Analysis Corporation. He is the author of Intelligence Analysis: A Target-centric Approach (6th edition, 2019), The Technical Collection of Intelligence (2010), and Intelligence Collection (2014). He is a co-author, with Dr. William Mitchell, of Target-Centric Network Modeling (2015) and Deception: Counterintelligence and Counterdeception (2018); and, co-editor, with Dr. Mark Lowenthal, of Intelligence Collection: The Five Disciplines (2015). His newest book, The Road to Geospatial Intelligence: The Story of GEOINT, was published in 2020. Clark holds a BS from MIT, a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, and a J.D. from George Washington University. He is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Bar.


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